Trading Hours: The factory is open Monday to Friday 7:30to 3:30 pm from last week in October, until mid December
For enquieries please phone the factory on (03) 9379 1720.
Retail outlets
Factory Door Sales at
270 Keilor Rd
North Essendon, Victoria
Trading Hours: Week days 7:30am to 3:30pm from last week in October, untill Mid December
Supemarkets as a general rule stock Ray's Plum Puddings in the Dairy Case (near the Cream) or in the special End of Isle Display Cabinet/Refrigerators. They should start to get stock by the first week in December.
Woolworths: all Victorian Stores will stock Ray's Plum Puddings
note: Not all Stores will stock No5 (2.3kg/5lb) puddings
Coles: all Victorian Stores will stock Ray's Plum Puddings.
Independent Supermarkets:
Many Victorian Independent Supermarkets will stock Ray's Plum Puddings e.g IGA/Foodworks, LaManna, Leo's and Maxi Foods.
David Lucke's Fresh Food Market:
Store 1
Bairnsdale: on Macloud st
ph:5152 1644
store 2:
Sale:321 Raymond St
ph 5144 5000
We also stock many Butchers and Delicatessens
For more detailed information on stores in your area, or for people who are not in Victoria, please call us on (03) 9379 1720.
It will help you to know that our Pudding serves 4 people per pound (lb) or 450 grams. These are generous servings (caterers allow 5 serves per lb for our puddings).
If you wish to keep our Puddings for use after Christmas it is best to DEEP FREEZE them. However, for use on Christmas Day, while we still recommend Deep Freezing, the normal refrigerator is adequate if freezer space is a problem.